The most important person in The
Diamond Hunter Organization is YOU.This
is not just some fancy phrase, but an important truth.If you are new, you may not understand why our particular group of IBOs is referred to as The Diamond Hunter
For the sake of this webpage, the
reason of the name is more important than the meaning.My wife and I personally believe that an
organization should NOT be consistently named after the upline.( example : Smith Team ).We believe that this takes away the individual
importance and respect of the business owner or owners. We understand that many IBOs do name or claim
unity or membership to a - team - and this statement is not meant to take away
from that.They are business owners and
have a right to run their business in the way they see fit, as do we.
With that being said, I will
explain the purpose of this page.I recognize
that a large organization is ultimately built on the sum of goals and needs of
the business owners in that organization.At the start of you career, you were asked in detail ( or should have
been ) what your goals, dreams, and even needs are.While this information may have been filed
away to be referenced in the future, it is silly to think that from the
beginning of your career to your goal point, that this information would not
That is the purpose of this page.Not only to give us an update of your goals
and needs but also as a venue of feedback.Please consider answering the questions below from time to time ( each
month, every other month, or once a quarter ). This survey is completely optional and not a requirement to be an IBO in this organization. If you see no benefit in this or would rather send a voice mail or talk in person, let us know.
While every issue may not be
responded to directly or individually, please know that the information is of
great value to us, because without you, the life of this organization would be
very short.It should go without saying,
but regardless of how excited the leader or upline is, an organization will not
survive long term if the needs of individuals are not being met.
Thank you for taking the time to
answer these questions.I hope you heard
my heart as I wrote these words.
Sincerely - Duncan DC Dunkins I
:Simply copy the questions below and
paste them into an email sent to The questions are directed to you as a Business Owner from Carolyn and myself.If possible, make the questions and the answers different colors so they
can be reviewed easily. You are not required to answer all questions, but you are encouraged to share.
Please answer the questions honestly and bluntly and don't worry about protecting our feelings. ( seriously ).
On a scale of one to ten, how important is this industry and Your Company at this point in your life ?
How much money do you want to make with Your Company ? How soon ?
What personal challenges are you dealing with now ?
What business challenges are you dealing with now ?
What do you need from me as a sponor or upline ?
What do you need from me as a person ?
What motivates you in this industry ?
What does NOT motivate you in this industry ?
What am I doing well as your sponsor ?
What do I need to improve on ?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust us ?Explain.
Has anyone offended you or not met you at your needs ? Explain.
What are your other coaches, consultants, and mentors doing
What do you feel they need to improve on ?
What is your most important business need right now ?
What is your opinion of this industry right now ?
What do you like best about this industry right now ?
What do you like the least about this industry right now ?
> 1 YEAR
> 10 YEARS
What is the most important thing going on in your life right
now ?
Any comments that you want to add . . . )